Ziegra News

  1,200kg ice machine on frame  
A busy time at Foodex 2014
1,200kg ice machine on frame

Ziegra and sister company Zap Ice Pigging Ltd spent a busy few days demonstrating the new ice pigging system, which being a new technology generated a lot of interest.

We also had a lot of interest in our UBE1.500 and ZBE350-S130 machines which were running on the stand making the ever popular micro ice.

Thanks for everyone who took the time to come and talk to us.

  A major brand in the bakery sector was looking for an efficient method of dough cooling and after speaking to Ziegra engineers decided ice was the way to go. A ZBE1.200 ice machine was installed on a stand feeding a Smartcart that plugs in underneath. A remote weatherproof condenser outside the building ensures maximum efficiency during the warm summer months and the level control system monitors the ice level to keep the cart full without overflowing. A drainage system built into the cart plugs into a system on the frame, keeping the ice in good condition during prolonged storage in the warm, humid environment.  
750kg ice machine on 500kg bin   containerised ice plant  
Ice machine for pigments
Mobile containerised ice plant

Kingfisher Colours were upgrading their pigment production plant and needed a new ice machine along with their new drying machinery.

Their existing Ziegra machine was coming up to its 20th birthday and was on R22 so they decided more modern in the form of a new ZBE750 on an SG500 ice storage bin would fit the bill. They are now set for the next 20 years production.

  Milford Haven Port Authority were looking to replace their ageing ice plant as it was on an obsolete gas. The only difficulty was that they may be moving to new premises in the next few years, so decided that a mobile solution would be the answer. After putting it out to tender last year Ziegra won the contract with a containerised design that can be simply picked up by a hiab and moved very easilty. It was installed in August of this year and Melanie Durney who headed up the project for the Autority reported back that they are delighted both with the plant and the follow up service they have received so far.  
Fishing show
  sauna ice machine  
Ziegra to exhibit at Skipper 2013 in Bristol
Ice machine for Sauna

Ziegra will be exhibiting on Friday 25th and Saturday 26th of October at the Skipper Expo International show in Bristol.

If you would like to come along and discuss your requirements for any projects you may have coming up, or simply to say hello, we are on stand number 5. We would be pleased to answer any questions you may have about ice production, storage and distribution systems.

Bristol Marriott Hotel City Centre, 2 Lower Castle Street, Bristol, BS1 3AD
Tel: +44 (0) 117 9294281 Fax: +44 (0) 117 9276377
Web: marriott.com or marriott.co.uk


A leisure centre in the north west was struggling with another brand of ice machine which had never performed well. After spending money for a couple of years trying to improve its performance and reliability they had decided enough was enough after only three years in service.

When a Ziegra engineer looked at the installation a ZBE150 with no panels and an F type ice discharge was recommended to fit the existing cupboard with a remote condenser outside to ensure year round performance. Some modifications were also suggested to the cupboard itself which the client had modifiedt by a joiner. The result is a machine which outperforms the old machine by a considerable margin and will provide reliable service for years to come.

ice machine 5 tonnes   ice machine video  
2.5 tonne ice machine for grower
The adventures of chip
Ziegra engineers installed an ice machine under a weatherproof cover recently for post harvest icing of crops. The machine has a weatherproof remote condenser for reliable performance during the summer months. The housing is heated to protect the machine from frost during the cold winther months.
this is the story of Chip, an ordinary everyday piece of Ziegra chip ice, who magically one day came to life. This is his story and some of his grand adventures.
3 tonne ice machine in meat factory   5 tonne ice machine in bakery  
3 tonne ice machine for meat processor
5 tonne ice machine for bakery
Ziegra engineers have installed a UBE3.000R ice machine in a large meat processing factory in Yorkshire. The unit has L type ice discharge with level control by reflection sensor located on the end of the hoses. A remote condenser was installed to ensure year round efficiency and to prevent warm discharge air from entering the temperature controlled environment around the machine.
Ziegra engineers have installed a UBE5.000-2R in a large bakery in the Greater London area. The machine is a -2 model with twin refrigeraton circuits for maximum uptime and flexibility. The machine is equipped with L type ice discharge with reflection sensors on the end of the hoses. A remote weatherproof condenser was mounted outside the building for operating efficiency during the summer months.
Scale ice maker   Zap ice pigging website  
Ice maker for abattoir
Zap Ice Pigging launched
Ziegra engineers have installed a ZSM6.300 E ice maker in a large abattoir in the east midland for packing offal. The unit was attached to an existing R404a refrigeration pack and replaces another brand which had failed after only four years of operation.
Ziegra are pleased to announce a new joint venture with partner company ADHQ. The new company is called Zap Ice Pigging Technology and will deal exclusively with all ice pigging operations from now on.
1.5 tonne ice machines   laboratory ice machines  
Two UBE1.500R for fish processor
Four ZBE110-35 for new hospital laboratories
A large fish processor in the North-East of England needed three tonnes of ice per day. After speaking to poeple for recommendations he eventually approached Ziegra who recommended two UBE1.500R ice machine mounted on an existing store.
When a state of the art new hospital opened recently they were looking for reliable machines for their laboratory suites. After discussion they decided on the ZBE110-35 model as a good compromise between small footprint and high daily output.
2.5 tonne ice machine in bakery   3.5 tonne ice machine in meat plant  
2.5 tonne machine for bakery
3.5 tonne special for meat plant
When a well known bakery in the south of England commissioned a new bakery, they approached Ziegra to help design the ice supply solution. In the end it was decided that a UBE2.500R machine would sit above the main production area and drop ice via a level controlled distribution pipe into bins in the bakery below.
One of the biggest names in the meat industry commissioned Ziegra to design a custom made UBE3.500-2R ice machine to their own specifications to solve a cooling problem in their production process. The machine replaces buying in of ice, thus bringing control of the ice production back in house, the cost savings over bought ice are substantial and they calculate a ROI of less than 12 months.
bin and cart storage in bakery   ice pigging rig for coatings  
Bin and cart storage for Bakery
Ice pigging rig for coatings plant
A large indepenant bakery in Manchester decided that it wanted an easier and more hygienic way to distribute the ice around the production area. After consulation with Ziegra they eventually decided on a BK630 elevated bin and cart which loads ice into mobile carts from an elevated bin above by gravity. Thus eliminating manual handling of the ice and the contamination risk that goes along with it.
Following some preliminary trials with Bristol university, when a large coating plant decided to further investigate the enormous benefits of ice pigging for its piping systems, they approached Ziegra and partners to design a custom made mobile pigging rig which would be used during extensive trials over the next several years.
automated ice plant   350kg ice machine in fish shop  
Ice plant refurbishment
ZBE350R for fish display
Ziegra has recently undertaken the refurbishment of an iexisting ice plant in Scotland, replacing the old inefficient ice machine and conveyors with modern units and adding a self service system, so customers with an account can access their own ice via an automatic card system. The existing rake system and building was re-used, thus saving a considerable amount of money when compared with a new build.
A fish retailer in Scotland is undertaking a refurbishment of his existing premises and as part of the improvements has just installed a ZBE350 ice machine. As the shop is on the sea front, a remote cu/cu (saltwater resistant) condenser was specified as part of the installation package. While fairly expensive, they add considerably to the overall efficiency and longevity of the machine.
mobile ice pigging rig   skid mounted ice pigging system  
Ice pigging for clean water
Cleaning up with the pig
Ziegra has helped a major european water company develop a mobile ice pigging system for cleaning of water mains pipework. The system consists of a Ziegra StreamIce machine at one of their local bases, and a mobile ice pigging rig for site work. After succesful extended trials in the UK, the company is now developing the system for use all over the world.
A large food processing company in the UK has invested in a Ziegra ice pigging system. The skid mounted system will help keep their pipework in clean condition while at the same time avoiding the pitfalls associated with traditional hardware pigs. Details of Ziegra pigging solutions can be found here
ice machines with cart   ice machine on storage  
Ziegra ice for Chinese 'fusion' food
Ice machine for fish display
When the largest chinese restaurant in the UK opens its doors, its ice displays will be taken care of by two Ziegra units. The ZBE375T-BK200 on the left will send ice all over the huge building via its mobile ice cart, while the ZBE375T-S280 on the right will supply ice for bottle cooling and display to the kitchen. Like all new Ziegra machines, they are fitted with an appropriate water filtration unit in this case a Ziegra single.  
A fish wholesaler in Essex have re-installed their existing ZBE350 ice machine on a new S280 ice storage bin as part of an upgrade to their display icing facility. The S280 bin is poly lined and castor mounted for easy cleaning. A new Ziegra single water filtration unit was also added to help maintain the machine in good, hygienic condition.
Automatic cooling system dough   Automatic cooling system meat  
Automatic ice cooling system for bakery
Automatic ice cooling system for meat
A major European bakery wanted to remove the need to manually add ice to their dough mix, so they invested in a Ziegra automatic ice system. The AS500 with dosing system injects a pre-determined amount into each batch just prior to mixing.
A large meat factory in the UK already had two UBE10.000-2 micro ice machines but were dosing the ice by hand. They have now installed an AS1.000 with dosing system which automatically injects the desired amount precisely and repeatedly into their product.
1 tonne ice machine on coldroom   375kg ice machine on ice bin  
1 tonne ice machine on coldroom
Ice machines for fish display
A fish wholesaler in Bridlington needed a replacement for his obsolete 16 year old Ziegra UBE1.000. A new ZBE1.000 was supplied on finance to produce 1 tonne per day into his existing coldroom.
A fish wholesaler in Teeside has upgraded his existing ice production by adding a new S280 ice bin on castors to his existing ZBE350 and putting it alongside a new ZBE375T-S280, also on castors.
350kg ice machine on 280kg slope fronted ice storage bin   5 tonne ice machine for dough cooling  
Ice machine for fish display
Ice for dough cooling
A fish retailer in Suffolk has installed a ZBE350-S280 ice machine to take care of their display icing. The S280 bin is castor mounted to allow easy withdrawal of the unit for cleaning and service purposes. The machine is configured to make midi ice, which shows off the product to its best advantage.
A bakery in north west England has installed a UBE5.000-2 ice machine for dough cooling. The micro ice machine has twin refrigeration circuits for maximum flexibility and reliability and a remote weatherproof condenser ensures high performance even during the warm summper months. The ice is discharged into dolav bins using an 'L' type ice discharge/level control system. The machine stops when the bin is full and restarts automatically when an empty bin is moved into position.
1.75 tonne ice machine discharging through wall   ice machine on come dine with me  
Ice machine for ready meals
Star of the show
A large ready meals manufacturer in the north east needed micro ice to cool their production. They had no space inside the factory, so a UBE1.750 was installed under a weatherproof housing outside with the ice discharging through the factory wall into a bin inside.
A ZBE375T was the star of the show during an episode of come dine with me. One of the contestants went to buy his fresh fish from Ramus Seafoods in Ilkley and the machine can clearly be seen behind the shopkeeper in this shot.
  350kg ice machine on 280kg ice store  
Ziegra to exhibit at new Scottish show
Ice machines for fish display
Ziegra will be exhibiting for the first time at the new Scottish Skipper expo in June 2011. Click here to visit the website for more details.
A fish wholesaler in Norwich has bought two new ZBE350-S280 ice machines for their fish display. The units are castor mounted so they can be easily moved for cleaning purposes.
seal at Chessington Zoo with ziegra ice   insulated ice boxes  
Seals having an 'ice' time at Chessington
Ziegra introduce insulated ice storage boxes
The seals at Chessington Zoo are enjoying their latest game, playing with the ice from their new Ziegra ice machine. The ZBE250-S130 delivers enough ice to keep the seals amused for hours and the trainers mould the ice into various shapes for them to play with.
Ziegra are pleased to announce their new range of insulated ice storage boxes. The boxes come in three sizes, 70L, 300L and 1,000L and are ideal for catching the ice from the machine for storage and transport.
550kg ice machine   7.5 tonne ice machine  
550kg ice machine for meat plant
7.5 tonne ice machine for food processing
A meat processing plant in the southwest of England needed a small ice machine for packing offal, after lengthy discussion it was decided that a ZBE550R would be the machine for the job. The machine was mounted on a stainless steel stand with the machine filling ice bins below through an 'R' type ice discharge.
A large food processing plant in the northwest of England was looking to upgrade their existing Ziegra ice plant. A new UBE7.500-3R was installed, replacing their existing UBE5.000-2. The ice handling system installed by Ziegra in 2000 is to remain in service with the new machine.
3.5 tonne ice machine hides   laboratory ice machine 150kg  
Ice machine for hides
Brand new laboratory
After renting a machine for 18 months, a large abattoir in Lincolnshire finally decided to take the plunge and buy their own machine. The unit, a UBE3.500-2T is a high specification tropical machine with twin refrigeration for maximum fall over protection.
When a University in the north east of England built a new laboratory facility, they decided that four Ziegra ZBE150-S130 units should be installed, to provide a reliable supply of ice for the laboratory's on each of the four floors.
ice plant   375kg tropical ice machines  
Small harbour ice plant
Tropical Fish
A harbour of small fishing boats needed a small, simple and low cost ice plant. A ZBE2.500R ice machine was installed under a weatherproof housing on top of a used reefer container with a saltwater resistant condenser. The ice is extracted manually down a slide into the boat in the harbour below.
A fish processor in Hull has just installed their second ZBE375T tropical specification ice machine. They bought the first 18 months ago and found that during warm weeks it performed much better than their Standard UK model, so they decided to trade the standard model in for a second tropical machine.
laboratory ice machine with storage   1.2 tonne ice machine for biscuit dough  
Laboratory ice machine
1.2 Tonne machine takes the biscuit
A university needed a reliable, robust ice machine for one of their laboratories, after asking around, they chose a Ziegra because of its reputation for reliabiltiy and longevity. After consulation it was decided that a ZBE150-S130 would give the right combination of production and storage capacity for them.
After renting a Ziegra for a little more that a year, a famous biscuit manufacturer decided that it was time to invest in a purpose made machine. A ZBE1.200R was duly ordered to produce micro ice and installed by Ziegra engineers. The remote weatherproof condenser was mounted outside the factory for maximum performance in summer.
ice conveyor for loading boats   ice plant for fishing boats  
Ice plant increases production
New ice plant in Devon
Ziegra has recently installed a sixth machine at a North East Lincolnshire ice plant bringing total ice production capacity to 30 tonnes per day. The plant also has a 25 tonne orbital ice silo and conveyor system for loading boats and land vehicles.
Ziegra are pleased to announce the commissioning of a new chip ice plant in Devon. The plant is of a small, modern design which incorporates a 12 tonne first ice in, first ice out silo and 7.5 tonnes of ice production. A conveyor system is designed to deliver ice to boats and to land vehicles.
Ziegra ice machine sanitiser   2.5 tonne ice machine in container for fish  
New Ziegra ice machine sanitiser
Macro ice for harbour
New from Ziegra, ice maker sanitising fluid. Available in 100ml 'single dose' bottles or 5 litre bulk containers. Ziegra sanitiser is approved for use in public water supplies and is effective against bacteria, viruses, algae, fungus and fungus spores. It has no taste or odour and breaks down to water and oxygen, eliminating toxic products.
A highland harbour were looking to replace their aging scale ice plant with something more efficient and easier to store. So they decided on a ZBE2.500R making macro chip ice. The customer is delighted with the way the ice stores without refrigeration and stays loose and easy to scoop/shovel even after several days of storage.
UBE5.000 in Abattoir   2 x 1.2 tonne ice machines for bread dough cooling  
Icing Hides
Third machine for Bakery
When a brand new abattoir was opened earlier this year in Lincolnshire, they needed a machine to ice the hides ready for sale. After a visit from a Ziegra application engineer they have installed a UBE5.000-2 with remote weatherproof condensers outside. The customer specified macro ice for its excellent storage properties and longevity.
A famous bakery in Manchester has recently installed a third ZBE1.200 to one of their production units to increase the total ice capacity of the unit to 3.6 tonnes. All three machine discharge into a common ice storage unit, also supplied by Ziegra and have remote weatherproof condensers outside the bakery. The micro ice dissolves into their mix quickly, giving rapid and even cooling to the dough.
adding ice to kebab mix   2.5 tonne ice machine under weatherproof cover for packing prawns  
Ice cools kebab production
Outdoor ice machine for prawns
When a manufacturer of kebabs needed a flexible method of cooling their mixes, they turned to Ziegra to help with a solution. A ZBE1.000 packaged ice machine was installed into a large roofspace, discharging ice into a coldroom below. The micro ice ensures rapid cooling with no ice remaining post mix.

Our local service agent E&R refrigeration has recently installed a ZBE2.500R outdoors on a flat roof for one of their local clients in Fraserburgh.
To contact Gordon at E&R refrigeration call 01346 515 759 or 07999 953 221.

icing of hides   Dough cooled with SIF  
Macro chip ice for hides
Ziegra Launches SIF
An abattoir in north Yorkshire wanted to start icing their hides so approached Ziegra for some advice. After renting a machine for several months, they ordered a new UBE2.500R with remote saltwater resistant condenser. The ice is made a day in advance, so macro chip ice was chosen for its excellent storage properties.
Ziegra is pleased to announce the launch of its SIF fully automatic dough cooling system. The plants are available in a range of sizes to suit medium and large bakery operations and are designed to give operations managers absolute control of dough temperatures while eliminating manual handling of ice click here to watch a short video.
1.2 tonne ice machine on 970kg storage in fish processor
  5 tonne ice machine on frame fish processing  
Shared ice facility for small boats
5 tonne ice machine for fish processor
A small fishing co-operative in North Wales has bought a Ziegra ZBE1.200-SG970 as a shared facility in a bid to improve product quality with the help of the National trust. The machine can produce 1,200kg of macro chip ice per day and stores 970kg for immediate use. The group, who operate a small fleet of day boats will take ice from the machine out to sea with them for packing.
A fish processor in North Scotland who was struggling for space in their busy factory contacted Ziegra to see what we could suggest. A platform was designed to mount the ZBE5.000 overhead and the ice is discharged into four 500kg bins overnight for use the following day. The excellent storage characterisitcs of macro chip ice allows them to store the ice in dolav bins with no risk of the ice freezing together.
10 tonne scale ice machine installed   Small ice plant for boats  
10 tonne scale ice on coldroom
Shared ice plant for small boats
when a fish processor in Cumbria needed a new ice machine, they turned to Ziegra for advice. After consultation, it was decided that the best way forward was a ZSM10.000 scale ice machine on top of their coldroom. The ice is discharged through the roof directly into bins, which are stored until needed. Scale ice, often called flake ice in the fishing industry is sub - cooled ice, so has to be refrigerated during storage to reduce the chance of it sticking together into lumps.

A small fishing co-operative in the south west have clubbed together and bought a ZBE1.200-SG1.300 as a shared facility in a bid to improve product quality with the help of a European grant. The produces 1.2 tonnes of ice per day and can store 1,300kg. A remote saltwater resistant condenser was specified for a long life and maximum peformance in summer.

1 tonne ice machine wall mounted for fish   1.75 tonne ice machine fish processor  
0% for fish wholesaler
Fish processor gets fresh
A fish processor in Hull decided to take advantage of our November 12 months 0% finance offer and install a brand new ZBE1.000. The cutomer said that even taking into account the cost of installation, the monthly repayments are still lower than his current ice bill and next year when the machine is paid for, he will be making ice for around £10 per tonne.
When one of the most famous brands in Scotland for smoked fish decided to expand into fresh fish, they realized they would need ice so approached Ziegra for advice. Eventually they decided on a UBE1.750 ice machine with stainless steel frame and panels. The machine is to be located in its own weatherproof housing, with the condenser remotely mounted outside.
1.75 tonne micro ice in bakery dough cooling   1.2 tonne micro ice machine with 970kg ice storage dough cooling in bakery  
Tropical machine for new bakery
Bakery thinks 'Smart'

A new bakery in Kent needed an ice machine to operate in warm conditions and wanted the machine to have a guaranteed output at 35degC air. After talking to Ziegra, they decided on a tropical specification UBE1.750 with a remote condenser in the roofspace.

The auto-water drain down and three stage water filtration unit on this machine was attractive to the customer as hygiene was of paramount importance. A stainless steel frame and panels upgrade was also chosen for this reason.


When a well known bakery in Lancashire opened a new factory, they needed a new ice machine and ice storage unit. They chose a ZBE1.200-SG970 with a remote weatherproof condenser mounted outside the building for maximum performance in summer.

The SG970 is more hygienic than the a standard bin, due to its unique design. The 'SmartGate technology brings the ice from the bottom out first, thus eliminating stagnant ice buildup in the bottom, which is a well known problem with standard storage bins.

ice machine retail fish display   ice machine sandwich shop  
Ice machine for farm shop
Cool sandwiches

When Bailey & Smiths were fitting out a new farm shop they needed a high quality ice machine with storage that would give their customer many years of trouble free operation. They specified and fitted a ZBE70-100 unit along with a complete shop re-fit.

Display design and installation by Bailey & Smiths Ltd


A new sandwich shop needed an ice production, storage and handling solution. A ZBE250-BK200 was specified by Bailey & Smiths Ltd. This combination has a 250kg ice machine on a 200kg ice bin, which has a plug in ice cart system. This bin fills the cart by gravity at the pull of a handle, the ice can then be wheeled to where it is needed,

Display design and installation by Bailey & Smiths Ltd

2.5 tonne ice machine on ice bunker fish processor  
Ziegra ice machine for the Games on channel 4
New ice machine and bunker for fish processor
Ziegra supply ice machine for Channel 4
A fish processor in the north east needed a new ice machine and bunker. Rather than replace what they had, they decided on some improvements. The new machine is a ZBE2.500 with remote seawater resistant condenser for maximum performance in summer. The machine sits on a new bunker with a full height door so that ice bins can be wheeled in and out. This means that the ice can be made directly into the existing ice storage bins, which had to be shovelled in previously from the old bunker. A ziegra triple water filter ensures reliability of the machine between service intervals.

When Channel 4 were looking for an ice machine for their sports show 'The Games', they approached Ziegra for advice.

Ice has to have the correct physical properties for therapeutic applications, it cannot be too cold, otherwise it could cause 'burns' to the skin and it should be fine enough to mould around body contours such as joints. A ZBE30-10 was supplied for the duration of the show.

trout in holding tank   375kg tropical ice machine with 200kg storage fish retail display  
Ice machine for trout
Tropical machine for fish shop
A trout farm in Kent has a warm feeling about his new ZBE2.500. After consultation with a Ziegra applications engineer , it was decided that the machine would be a remote condenser model with the condenser built into the wall of a nearby building which required year round heating. The machine consumes around 9.0kW of electrical energy, to make 2.5 tonne of ice per day, but because of the heat extracted from the water to turn it to ice, it actually puts out 20kW of heat energy, making it a very energy efficient heater. As this waste heat is normally just vented to atmosphere, this makes for a very green solution. As the buildings were across a road from each other, the pipes and cables were buried under the road by the customer prior to our engineer arriving on site.

A customer recently opened a new fish shop and needed an ice machine with storage to fit in a very tall, thin space. The machine also needed to be very quiet in operation with good performance in summer. A ZBE375T-200 with remote condenser was specified, with the remote condenser to be located in an attic room. As the machine is a tropical model rated at 35degC air and 25degC water temperatures, good performance in summer is guaranteed.

Display design and installation by Bailey & Smiths Ltd

applying Ziegra ice to fish   outdoor ice machine for dough cooling in bakery  
Tropical machine for fish wholesaler
Outdoor machine for bakery

A Birmingham fish wholesaler noticed that in summer his ice machines performance dropped along with ice quality, due to the high temperature of the location. He approached Ziegra to discuss his problem who recommended the installation of a ZBE375 tropical specification machine with a Ziegra triple anti-scale filter.

Now even on the warmest days, the machine gives its stated output and the ice quality remains consistently high. The filter will help to ensure years of reliable service, even in this hard water area.

A bakery needed an ice machine to deliver 2.5 tonnes of micro ice per day into the production area. Unfortunately, he did not have anywhere within production where the machine could be located. After a site survey was carried out, a ZBE2.500 was installed within a weatherproof, insulated GRP housing with a frostguard heater to protect the machine during winter. For efficiency in summer, the weatherproof condenser was mounted outside the enclosure. The ice is discharged through a custom ice pipe with level control built in and fills small stainless steel bins, cutting out automatically when they are full.
7.5 tonne ice machine fish farming   1 tonne outdoor ice machine trout farm  
Ice for fish farm
Second machine for trout farm
A major UK fish farm needed a more efficient way to cool their harvest. After spending many months trying different types of ice, they got the best result from Ziegra macro ice. After a lengthy consulation a location for the machine was agreed and a UBE7.500 packaged machine with Ziegra Triple water filtration was installed with storage being taken care of by container.
A yorkshire trout farm has been running a Ziegra ZBE1.200R since 1999 along with a competitors machine. When it came time to add a third unit to their ice production, it was felt that the Ziegra had proved its reliability, so a second ZBE1.200R was added. Like its older brother, the machine lives outdoors on top of a bunker under a weatherproof cover, with frostguard protections, insulated pipework and a Ziegra triple filter. Both machines make midi ice.
15 tonne chip ice plant for sausage production   Chip ice plant in bakery bun line  
Micro ice for sausage mix
Accurate dosing for bakery
When one of Europe's largest sausage plants needed to replace their ageing scale ice plant, rather than replace it with something like for like, they decided to look at efficiency. After 18 months of trials and investigation, they eventually decided on a 15 tonne Ziegra micro ice plant consisting of two UBE7.500R packaged ice machines with remote weatherproof condensers.

When a bakery needed an efficient method of producing, storing and dosing ice for cooling their dough, they asked Ziegra to come up with some solutions.

In the end they decided on a UBE5.000-2 with remote weatherproof condensers with an AS500 to take care of the storage/dosing of the micro ice.

5 tonne ice machine in fish processor
3.5 tonne ice machine in sausage factory
UBE5.000R in roofspace
Sausage manufacturer goes 'Tropical'
A large fish processor needed 5 tonnes of micro ice per day for the packing of fillets. They needed the ice delivering into a redundant coldroom where they wanted to fill six dolav type bins with ice. A UBE5.000 split system was delivered to site, stripped, carried across the roofspace then reassembled above the coldroom on a custom designed steel cradle supported from the roof beams. The fine ice is delivered via two custom designed ice pipes discharging through the ceiling of the coldroom. The condenser is remote for maximum efficincy in summer.
A sausage manufacturer in Yorkshire needed an ice machine that had to be ultra reliable and located in a roofspace that gets very warm in summer. The answer was a UBE3.500-2 tropical specification machine producing MicroIce which operates efficiently at high ambient temperatures.
Freshwater streamice plant in bakery for dough cooling
350kg ice machine in restaurant for fish display
StreamIce® plant goes online in Bakery
Tougher than your average machine
A bakery in Cheshire was looking for an efficient way of accurately controlling their production temperatures. The client asked Ziegra to custom design a freshwater StreamIce plant with production, storage delivery and dosing automatically taken care of. A sister plant has since been installed in a second bakery. Click here to watch video
When you are opening a new restaurant by the sea in an area where storms often lash the coastline, you need a machine that is a little tougher and better thought out than average. After consultation with Ziegra a ZBE350 with a Ziegra triple water filter and a saltwater resistant condenser was installed by our engineers.
Spin chiller at poultry plant
saltwater resistant condensers at fish processor
A cool customer
3.5 tonne ice machine for fish
When a poultry processing plant in Norfolk needed to cool their spin chiller, they turned to Ziegra for help. After consultation with Ziegra engineers a 20 tonne plant was installed and commissioned. The plant was a split system with icemakers indoors and refrigeration plant outdoors on a platform.
A fish processor in East Sussex wanted a 3.5 tonne ice machine but did not have a lot of space. After chatting with Ziegra engineers he eventually decided to install a UBE3.500-2 'macro ice' machine with remote seawater resistant condensers and twin refrigeration circuits for maximum uptime.

Ziegra Ice Machines (UK) Ltd

Tel: 0844 8808055

Ziegra Ice Machines (UK) Ltd
Unit 2, Phoenix Court, Hammond Avenue, Stockport, Cheshire, SK4 1PQ
Tel:0844 8808055   Fax: 0161 480 7927   Email: ice@ziegra.co.uk

Specialists in...
Ice Production, Storage, Handling
and Dosing Systems